A place to bitch about shit.
Published on August 4, 2004 By rmcellhiney In Blogging
GOD do I hate Doom 3 clans. I am not quite sure what Doom 3 clans are but I keep getting asked to join them. What the hell is this shit?
on Aug 04, 2004
Ok, I can understand killing people but this is something I don't understand. I get asked about joining clans quite frequently and frankly I don't understand it. Unless you are trying to compete in a tournament or league, why bother with it? It's like every 12 yr old has a clan. What I like best is after you have totally owned someone the entire game they have the balls to ask you to "try out" for their clan. I sit there and go wtf just happened? Don't get me wrong, there are some clans who take their gaming seriously and they are few in number.

Another set of people who irritate my hemmrhoids are those idiots who have no skill and then claim you are a "hack" or are cheating. These people usually bitch the entire game and then get totally fed up and call you a cheater and the leave. My advice to you non-gaming fat-finger retards is go find another hobby. Take up something that requires a little bit less eye-hand co-ordination. If this is not acceptable advice then quit whinning like a 2 yr old who spilt his choclate milk.
on Aug 04, 2004
Are you addressing God and asking him if you hate Doom 3 clans? My clan or family is from PA.
on Aug 06, 2004
Are there any Amish porn movies?